Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Board Meeting Tonight!

Be there or be square. Anyone know what's on the agenda for this evening?


Katie said...

I'm a newish owner and resident. I always miss these meetings because the reminders get delivered to my house during the day of the meeting. When you work long hours, that doesn't help. Any way to be reminded via e-mail?

Anonymous said...

There aren't amy email reminders about the board meetings that go out through Arlington Village officially (just the crier that shows the date which is delivered to your house monthly).

There are elections coming up. Definitely take the opportunity to vote some new people in who have promised to make changes to the out of date communications policies.

Anonymous said...

Board Meetings are always the last Tuesday of the month, right? As previous poster said, they are announced on the Crier calendar.

Anonymous said...

Notes from last Board Meeting

-Steve Yaffe from ART Bus came and discussed what route changes the County was thinking about. It seems they were thinking about stopping direct service from Arlington Village to Pentagon City #74 bus. This was highly unliked by the residents in the audience. By making AV residents transfer buses it will add to commuting time and will probably make people take a different bus.
-Mr. Yaffe also discussed a new route from Shirlington to Clarendon that looked very promising.

-John McKinney gave a Manager's Report on filling cracks in some of the parking lots in Arlington Village. Repairs and additions to sidewalks was also discussed. The proposals to go ahead with the 13th Road project were approved by the Board.

-I left after an hour and a half...but on the agenda were the following items:

-Request to repair floors because of termite damage

-Second Dog approval requested

-Committee Reports by Assets, Communications, Covenants, Enviro Resources, Grounds, Security.

-Old Business: Mold Removal

-Swimming Pool Survey

-Friends of Jim Walton Memorial Bench Proposal