Friday, May 14, 2010

Late Taxes?

I received my Crier yesterday and I started reading about Arlington Village not having their taxes in on in delinquent? The article reads as if our former management was not keeping up with this integral matter!!! Perhaps the Board should have said this a few months ago when a particular person was "let go"? Everyone couldn't figure out why the Board would just throw to the wind a loyal employee. It makes the blog wonder what else is amiss in the office because of this person??? Shouldn't we be suing the former employee to pay for the fines?


Pumpkin said...

The not filing issue came up--it just wasn't spelled out and broadcast to all and sundry. For legal and ethical reasons they didn't broadcast it, and I don't approve of the tone of the Crier article. It reads like "rah rah new GM." Keep in mind that the GM reports to the board. Ex-GM wasn't the only one with egg on her face.

Anonymous said...

I was at the special meeting to discuss the old GM and nothing was said about taxes not being filed.

Anonymous said...

Is this a responsibilty of the GM or the management company?

Anonymous said...

Exactly what oversight did the management company provide that we paid them a hefty fee to do?

Anonymous said...

Some of you litigious SOBs need to get a life.