Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Happy New Year Almost...

So...what are your plans for celebrating the New Year? Anything happening nearby???

Anyone have any good resolutions?

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Come see your neighbors at the AV Holiday Party!

Yes...it is tonight. Come see the winners of the lighting contest and drop off your unwrapped present for Toys for Tots. It should be a grand time! Hope to see you there.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Judging for Lighting Contest

It starts at 7 PM. Even if you don't have holiday lights up...put your front porch light on. It helps the community stay brighter and safer. Thanks for your assistance.

Friday, December 12, 2008

How do we pay condo fees next month?

OK...got the Crier yesterday and it said in order to be on direct deposit with our new Management firm...that we have to have that slip in by the 10th! Hmmm...the Crier was delivered on the 11th. So...where are we? Should we send our payment by check to the firm? Can we drop it off at the Village Offices? Why didn't we know about this sooner? I know there were elections and everything...but shouldn't there be some type of checklist from L&N on how to get through this process seamlessly?

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Where is the Crier?

Ok...it is December 11th? Almost 2 weeks into December and still no Crier. C'mon...is it really that hard to get a newsletter out? I know it is not Christmassy...to complain...but bah humbug...if the Crier doesn't have important enough information to get it out on time...than why even have it? Couldn't we put that money elsewhere?

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Arlington Village is full of Scrooges!

Yes...that's right...where is your holiday spirit? There is a holiday lighting contest on Monday and noone has any lights up. I'm not expecting a light show but maybe a candle or two in the windows...something?

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Go Green during the Holidays in Arlington

Going Green doesn't mean become the Grinch! I was hovering around the Arlington County website and saw this great page. It gave a bunch of ways to be better to the environment around the holidays.

Look at this tidbit of information from their website, "Every year during the period from Thanksgiving to New Years, Americans generate an extra one million tons of trash per week."

Can you say WOW!?

Click here for some more great info and ideas for green gifts and how to decorate green!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Getting Gifts Delivered to Your Unit?

The other day someone posted some information about packages being taken from stoops during the spring. See message below. I know many people will be getting packages sent to their homes...so please be careful. Also, look out for your neighbors. Tis the season to be especially nice or else you will get coal in your stocking. If you see something suspicious in the neighborhood call the police. You might be saving someone's special Xmas presents from being stolen/ruined.

"What happened was I caught 2 thieves red-handed stealing packages from AV owners door steps during the day. They walked all throughout AV looking for packages and another resident found them in the ravine opening boxes they stole. Once I caught them they denied it, even though the thief was holding a box delivered to my neighbor. The cops ended up coming but the culprits ran away with some items."

Friday, December 5, 2008

AV Collecting for Toys for Tots!

Just a reminder that you can drop off your donations for 'Toys for Tots' at the AV Office. They will be collecting unwrapped toys until the 17th (the day of the Holiday Party).

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

What do you want from the Arlington Village Board?

Okay...it's Christmas time and I want to know what is on your WISH list for the Arlington Village Board. Tonight is their organizing meeting and they will be deciding who will be President, Treasurer, etc...

Any advice on what Arlington Village should focus their energies on in 2009?

P.S. I can tell you my wish is that they get the Monthly Crier out on time!!! They are a day late already.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Want to be a secret Santa?

Over seven percent of Arlington residents live in poverty. That’s according to the 2004 census. Take the escalating economic crisis, add rising food, fuel and utility costs, and the result is more Arlington residents struggling to make ends meet.

You can help this holiday season — the Secret Santa program, which helps 1,000+ individuals each year, seeks donations of gift cards to help make a difference in the lives of some of Arlington's most vulnerable residents:

Children in Foster Care: Existing resources don’t even begin to meet the needs of foster children, generally one of the neediest populations. A good winter coat could consume half of the state subsidy a child in foster care receives each year. Your contribution of a gift card will help bring a happy holiday to these deserving kids.

Disabled Persons: Residents with intellectual or developmental disabilities or mental illness face employment obstacles and stigma that limit their earning power. Giving a disabled person a gift card they can use to purchase items of their choosing provides an empowering experience.

Seniors with Low-Incomes: County nurses and social workers care for many older adults in the community whose conditions make it difficult for them to leave their homes. Many of these seniors have medical needs and very low incomes. The Secret Santa program prioritizes seniors who are very poor or have no family in the area.

Low-Income Families: To qualify for federal benefits like food stamps, a family of four living in Arlington must make less than $27,564. Sounds impossible — yet 2,572 households in Arlington receive food stamps right now.

Recommendation: Consider gift cards from nearby department stores such as Target, K-Mart or Wal-Mart, or shopping mall gift cards that can be used at local malls. For low-income families, choose gift cards from local grocery stores. Gifts cards should not exceed $50 each, but you can submit as many as you like.

How to be a Secret Santa…
Mail or hand deliver gift cards
by Dec. 5 to:
Secret Santa Program
c/o Kurt Larrick
Department of Human Services
3033 Wilson Blvd, Suite 700A
Arlington, VA 22201

Individual cards should not exceed $50, but you can donate as many cards as you like.

Cards may be designated for a particular beneficiary group or left undesignated. Undesignated gift cards are especially welcome and will be used where they're needed most.

Include the value of the gift card (if it's not printed on the card), a return address so we can acknowledge your gift, and a beneficiary designation if you choose one.

Please submit cards by Dec. 5. Late-arriving cards will still be accepted.

We welcome donations from individuals, businesses, and groups.

Questions? Contact Kurt Larrick at 703-228-1775.

From the Arlington County Website: