Sunday, January 16, 2011

New Lights for Front and Back Doors

An owner emailed the blog about the article in the Crier about the new lights that have been approved by the Covenant's committee. It was asked that when did they become an owner responsibility such as the deck? Where does it say that owners are responsible for replacing the lights? Anyone have information on this?


Anonymous said...

It's always been the owners' responsibility. Last time the lights were replaced the Board dipped into our reserves and replaced them all because of a "security concern," and made it clear it would remain the up to the owner to maintain them going forward. They did the same by putting the house numbers on the back doors. Board did it, but now up to us to maintain. Another “security concern.” But that was long ago and far away.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a bit of retelling of history because the board doesn't want to take the hit for the lights because they haven't budgeted in the reserves for this!

Unit owners are not responsible for replacing the porch or back lights, also known as "limited common elements," per the bylaws section 5 the condo is responsible:

The Arlington Village Townhouse Association, through its
Board of Directors, shall be responsible for the maintenance, repair and replacement (unless, if, in the opinion of a quorum of the Board of Directors, such expense was necessitated by the negligence, misuse or neglect of a Unit Owner) of all the Common Elements (including the Limited Common Elements) as
defined herein or in the Declaration, whether located inside or outside of the Units, the cost of which shall
be charged to all Unit Owners as a Common Expense, provided, however, that each Unit Owner shall
perform normal maintenance on the Limited Common Elements appurtenant to such Unit Owner’s Unit...